Learning Kinyarwanda will allow and facilitate better communication between members, their families, and friends of the Rwandan community. It is also an asset for those with personal and professional interests in Rwanda and for the Rwandan community in general.

The course is for anyone wishing to learn Kinyarwanda whether or not they have a basic literacy. The minimum age required is 8 years old.

An oral and written evaluation as a preliminary step will be offered to each person who wishes to register for the course. This assessment will determine the level of understanding of Kinyarwanda and will help to assign the appropriate level.

Three levels will be offered. The results of the evaluation will determine the level: In the 2023-2024 school year, 36 classes will be held on Sundays. The registration deadline is September 8, 2023.

Level 1 Level 1 Level 2Level 3
Beginner Beginner IntermediateAdvanced
12:00 – 1:00 pm1:15pm – 2:15pm2:30 – 3:30 pm15:45 – 16:45


Here is the pricing for a family with at least one adult member of the ARM and minor children. Please note that minor children from the same family are automatically members if one of their adult parents is a member. Here is the registration process for more details .

ARM member in good standingMembershipKinyarwanda ClassesTotal price
1 member (adult) + 1 registration$50.00$240.00$290.00
1 member (adult) + 2 registrations$50.00$480.00$530.00

Here is the pricing for a family with no adult ARM members.

Non ARM memberMembershipKinyarwanda ClassesPrice
1 registrations$0.00$480.00 $480.00
2 registrations$0.00$960.00 $960.00